Zonnegloed - Pharmacy

Zonnegloed - 1

Is there anything better than spending a fun day at an animal park and supporting a good cause at the same time? Of course not! At De Zonnegloed, you have that chance. Wild Animal Sanctuary De Zonnegloed is an active rescue centre and home to approximately 350 animals. They take in exotic animals in need that can no longer be released back into the wild.

What can you expect at De Zonnegloed?

Experience the Warmth and Care of De Zonnegloed

With its extensive and unique collection of animals, De Zonnegloed offers a fascinating insight into the lives of rescued animals. Whether you are looking for an educational experience, a chance to see animals up close, or simply a fun day out, De Zonnegloed is the ideal destination.

Visit the sanctuary in Oostvleteren and contribute to the welfare of animals in need. A day at De Zonnegloed is not only enjoyable for young and old but also helps to rescue and care for animals.

For information

Kasteelweg 22, Oostvleteren
web. Website